Welcome to the crazy world of Bugzy.nl

Being an engineer for many years and specializing in software engineering the last couple of years, it should come as no surprice that I expanded by hobbies and started with a major project - build a humanoid.  However, to achieve this, some smaller projects were found on the internet and with time I've builded up my own little "warehouse" and manage my projects.  


As with all small projects, initially a Microsoft Excel sheet was used which later was converted to an standard template but quickly outgrow this.  Endless hours was spend on finding a suitable software online without having to spend to much money.  Once again, no surprices here - I found none!


I eventually resorted to downloading the NopCommerce application and extended it with the need for:

1. Managing Projects with it's sections and subsections as well as individually build parts;

2. Manage stock from product to project via stock journal additions;

3. Add more project functionality i.e. 3D printing information, BOM, documentation, etc.

4. Strip purchasing information from the front-end;

5. Ammended admin area to cater mainly for projects and project products


I will be sharing all the information and projects on this website after completely converting my current product base to the new NopCommerce modified database structure and stripping shopping functionality from the front end.


The ultimate goal is to also add:

1. Asset information i.e. tools;

2. Add bugeting information;

3. Add financial bookkeeping information;